Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Week in Review: Happy Easter!

Image from ~ Maria ~

So most of you college and university students are done school for the year or are almost done. Hooray! I myself fall into the "almost done" category - I have a physics exam this Tuesday. Boo :(

But that's beside the point - I've moved home (I can't believe how much stuff I had packed into my tiny room at residence!), the weather is actually quite nice, and it's Easter! Yay! Which actually doesn't mean all that much in my family. Easter is just a long weekend. We never really celebrated it. So, no Easter chocolates or the like in my family. It's quite upsetting, actually.

Since I've moved home, we've had dinner with my neighbours, one of which has just returned from the hospital is is well on the way to recovery, and the other is a prospective McMaster University student next year. Which I hope she does - because I'll have a friend to nerd out with again. But, of course, she should pick the university that's right for her. Which may or may not be Mac.

I went job hunting the other day, but then I kind of got depressed. I wanted to work in or near the mall, seeing as how it's close to home, but most of the stores are clothing stores. Which wouldn't good fit for me at all, seeing as how I never really dress nicely, nor do I put on makeup (uh, never really learned how to do the last one. Oops?).

Anyways, I hope you have a lovely Easter, and enjoy the time home with your friends and family :)

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