About Me ♥

Well, hello there. I suppose you've come here to learn about little ol' me?

  • I'm Karleen, and I live in Canada, Ontario
  • Currently studying in the Faculty of Science at McMaster University
  • I hauled my way through my highschool's arts program, specializing in music for four years, and somehow landed in science of all things in university :s
  • I'll admit it: I am a little bit of a geek.
  • I play flute, and have performed in the pit orchestra of two musicals: My Fair Lady & The Sound of Music
  • Every time I go home, I tend to bake chocolate chip cookies
  • I designed and created several fully-functional websites in my Communications Technology/Graphic Design class, without my teacher even knowing how to create a link.
  • <3 : reading, writing, music, baking, eating, photoshop, colour wheels and palettes, smiles, being happy, having friends, laughing, talking, bubbles, fresh sheets, royal gala apples, chocolate chip cookies, playing video games, making an APA references list for a group project (huh??)
  • </3 : being sad, lack of reading material, being a broke university student, no paper, losing things, being tired
  • Talk to me? Twitter | Tumblr | Email