Thursday, April 14, 2011

All things considered, it's not too bad.

The result of approximately four all-nighters this week. My resolution to always have at least 8 hours of sleep each nigh has flown out the window. It was much worse two nights ago when I was studying for my biology final - that mess was just paper everywhere (not that this one isn't). Which I just shoved into a box and washed my hands of because I really don't want to think about it. Right now the mess is mostly just laundry. Which I don't want to spend half an hour folding. It's just... monotonous. I just want finals to be over. I still have three exams to go. I feel like turtle crawling through peanut butter. Or honey. Or molasses.

I have an entire week between my second-last and last exams, so hopefully I can move out of residence on the 20th (which means I have clean this mess up before my dad sees it) and I can stay at home a relax for a bit before my last exam on the 26th.

Probably should have made this a "Week in Review" post, but really, it wouldn't have been too interesting. Study, exam, study, study, exam, study. Bleaaarrrgh.


  1. I feel your pain, girl. This is exactly what my room looks like right now.

    (Although the open root beer bottles and eaten food packages are kinda embarrassing...)

  2. I should have included a photo of the kitchen.
    Think about it - four girls. At least two weeks of dirty dishes. And the garbage hasn't been taken out for a MONTH.
