Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Week in Review

Image from weheartit

Most people would have a "depression week" around midterms. But for me, I think that this is the worst week I've had yet this year - which doesn't make sense, seeing as how I've finished my midterms two weeks ago, and I've just come back from a refreshing week-long holiday from school!

Part of the problem is that fact that I did absolutely nothing over Reading Week. Well, I did read a bunch of books on my lovely new Kobo eReader (and I also make a cute little case for it!), but it's definitely not the material I'm supposed to be reading for school.Which meant that I pretty much stuffed what was supposed to be a week's worth of work into two days. I guess I pretty much just brought that on myself -whoops!

I think I'm stuck in my highschool concert band mentality - we had rehearsals every week, but we never really got a huge amount done. But on performance day, things just magically came together. I know that this kind of thing doesn't work in terms of university assignments, but I still have trouble mustering up the motivation to start projects early instead of waiting till the very last moment.

At any rate, because I'm spending all my time trying to catch up the work I should have done over Reading week, I have had no time to go to the gym. Or, rather, whenever I  have a free hour or two to go to the gym, I'm either too tired or I have absolutely zero motivation to go there. I think Reading Week took away any motivation I may have had to make a regular running schedule.

I don't know if it's from my lack of physical exercise or what, but I've also been feeling pretty down this week. Not just down as in 'depressed', but I've also been feeling kind of lethargic and just low-energy in general. Not helped at all by the yucky weather system that ran through yesterday. I tend to get the worst headaches when rainstorms run through the area. As such, my day started out with a bowl of cereal and two extra-strength Tylenol. Yuck.

And then we get to today - phew! A big big upside for me this week was the release of the new Pokemon games. Yes, I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to Pokemon games. I have no idea why, but I derive great pleasure from collecting the little pixel-y guys. However, a big big downside is that I'm still not feeling much better. The headache from yesterday is gone, but I've been feeling light-headed and woozy all morning. I may have even passed out in the shower. I remember sitting down in the tub so I could wait for the light-headedness to pass, but I don't remember lying down on my side, which is the position I found myself in when I woke up. Gah. I really really hate feeling like this.

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I've had a miserable week, and I just needed to get this off my chest. So I'd love it if you could leave me a comment - how do you get back into the swing of things after a holiday? Would you like me to continue these "A Week in Review" posts? I promise that my life generally isn't as depressing as this week was! ♥


  1. Girl, I feel you on every count. This was basically what I wanted to write but had no energy to actually do. :P Uber-like to the concert band reference. How very, very true. ;) I have also been waaay off the track with the gym, and I meant to start a running/exercise schedule which failed completely too.

    Anyway, I think you should continue these, I liked reading it! Also, I'm not very good at getting myself happy/motivated, but if you have the time, I would highly recommend watching the movie Tangled as a pick-me-up. It's very cheerful. ;)

  2. I've been trying to stick with my running schedule, which is every Tuesday/Friday/Sunday, but I usually just let the Sunday one slide, and then after letting my Sunday run slide, I don't won't bother going running on Tuesday, etc.

    Attempts at the revival of this schedule have resulted in epic failure.

    I will definitely watch Tangled when I have time! I've seen it all around the internet, just begging me to download it ;)

  3. My gym schedule is non-existent lol. :P I need a tiny weeny break to figure it out ahaha. But your not going is understandable.

    Oh, you so need to! It's now my favourite movie. I've been listening to the soundtrack on repeat since I watched it. :D
