Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Favourite Things

Oh, man. Sorry about the lack of posting - my tablet driver/graphics software don't seem to be getting along, which has put a huge damper on my plans for this month's posts. Unfortunately, those posts will have to wait until I'm done exams and I have a chance to go home and sort my computer out. But to tide you over, Katy has tagged me to fill out this quick meme-thingy :)

~1~ FOOD: Shepard's Pie. Mashed potatoes over gravy-soaked ground meat with peas and carrots and corn. Yum :)

~2~ COLOUR: Forget-Me-Not Blue. When I have my own place, I'm definitely growing a patch of forget-me-nots. They're sooooo pretty!

~3~ ANIMAL: Do unicorns count? ;) My family's never had any pets, but I enjoy playing with my neighbour's dog and my friend's dog and my other friend's dogs :)

~4~ SPORTS TEAM: I must admit, I've never had a huge interest for team sports - or any sport at all, really. I enjoy swimming (I did a bit of competitive swimming in high school), but I prefer being the one in the pool as opposed to simply watching the sport. So I really have no idea about any sports teams :(

~5~ DESSERT: Goodness, I could go on and on and on about this one :) I love tiramisu, but I also love my mom's homemade lemon meringue pie. And hot caramel apple pie with vanilla ice cream is just lovely.

~6~ ARTIST/BAND: Sam Tsui. I've linked to his Facebook page, but go look him up on YouTube! I love love boys who can actually sing - not just wail/growl/whatever to hard rock or metal.

~7~ PAIR OF SHOES: Haha. Um. I have this pair of shoes that I got from the Payless Shoe Store ages ago - and when I say ages, I mean years. But my sister got me a new pair of Vans for Christmas, which are a close, close second.

~8~ OUTFIT: Easy - shirt, sweater & jeans :) During the summer, I like to wear flower-printed skirts. When I'm just lazing around, sweats and my MedRadSci hoodie if I'm willing to get dressed at all ;)

~9~ STORE: I'm going to have to take a page from Katy on this one - for clothing, I go to American Eagle, but in general Chapter/Indigo/Coles ♥

~10~ BRAND: Depends on the product, I suppose. For clothing, I looooove looking at the stuff from TNA, even though I will never be able to afford any of it. For beauty products, I usually go to Fruits & Passion. They have the best smelling hand lotions/butters, and my hands dry out like crazy.

~11~ PERFUME: Don't wear any perfume. Unless you count the body spray I use when I forget my deodorant at res and don't bring it home with me. In that case, it's from Dove.

~12~ ACCESSORY: A sailor's bracelet I got from Boston last year. I dunked it in the Charles River so that I could put it on for the first time.

~13~ CITY: Hm. Probably either Toronto or Ottawa :)

~14~ HOBBY: Reading or baking - take your pick :)

~15~ BEAUTY PRODUCT: I don't use beauty products all that often, seeing as how the only time I really break out is when I get stressed. If I had to choose, it'd be my Dove Deep Moisture night cream.

~16~ SNACK: Either chips, Oreos, or Goldfish crackers in cheddar.

~17~ HOLIDAY: Christmas. Or Chinese New Year. Both are about the only time I actually get to see both sides of my family.

~18~ MOVIE: It's a tie between Spirited Away and Tangled. I just can't decide!

~19~ SONG: Right now? "Hit That Jive Jack" from Cadence. It'll probably change within the hour, though.

~20~ GUILTY PLEASURE: Massive amounts of hot chocolate or tea with extra sugar. Massive. With extra sugar. I'm surprised I'm not diabetic yet. (Also, chocolates of any kind. Truffles are the best.)

--- v ---

Well, there you have it. A little bit about me :) Hopefully, I can whip something up to replace the posts I was going to do (until I had technology issues), so stay tuned!


  1. I loved reading this! Some of your answers really surprised/intrigued me. :P

  2. I'm sure you could have guessed most of it, though :p
    Ahaha, it's fun to learn new things about people you've known for a while, isn't it?
