Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Student Kitchen

As a student staying in campus residences, you may not be too concerned with cooking. I mean, hey, just pop by the dining hall to pick up something to eat! Why spend the extra effort in cooking for yourself? Well, for those of us living on our own without a meal plan (and those of us who would like to be able to control how much salt and oil goes into our meals) - we need to learn to cook.

For myself, I love using my slow cooker. Honestly, I prepare something on the weekend, and I've got a meal that lasts me nearly the whole week in leftovers (if I don't share with the boys living with me, of course)! So without further ado, a few simple slow cooker recipes to get you started...

Simple Chicken and Rice
3 cans cream of chicken soup
2 cups instant rice
3 ribs celery, sliced
4-5 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves

  • Place soup, rice, celery, and 1 cup of water in slow cooker. Place chicken breasts on top, and sprinkle with a little salt & pepper. Cover and cook on HIGH for 3 to 4 hours or on LOW for 6 to 8 hours. If you like, add some crumbled bacon to top.

Taco Chicken
3 cups cooked chopped chicken
1 packet (30g) taco seasoning
1 cup instant rice
3 ribs chopped celery
1 bell pepper, seeded and chopped
2 cans stewed tomatoes
  • Combine in slow cooker, mix well. Cover and cook on LOW for 4 to 5 hours.

Quick-Fix Corn Soup
2 cans whole kernel corn
2 cans cream of potato soup
2 cans chicken broth
8 oz whipping cream
  • Combine in slow cooker, mix well. Cover and cook on LOW for 3 to 4 hours.
These recipes are from "1001 Slow Cooker Recipes", a book I would DEFINITELY suggest you to look at :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Washington [Day 2]

We return where we left off at the National Museum of Natural History to see a humongous skeleton of a sea turtle. Note that younger sister is particularly excited to see this, and can't wait to get to Boston to see a real live giant sea turtle at the New England Aquarium.

Slices of space rocks! Which are, for the most part not made out of rock, but metal. It's interesting to see the different patterns on these.

More rocks! But why do these glow in the dark? Certain minerals fluoresce under ultraviolet (UV) light. If the Wikipedia article is all Greek to you, leave me a note in the comments and I'll explain it in English :)

 This is the last rock, I promise. It's bits of mineral... Contained within a different mineral. It takes some very interesting conditions for rocks like these to form, but the end result looks pretty freaking awesome.

SHARK ATTACK!!! You can see here - sharks have several rows of teeth. So if one breaks or falls off for whatever reason, another can easily take its place.

And who can visit Washington, DC without visiting the White House? Not me, that's who!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Washington [Day 1]

Arrival at the lovely Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. And look, they even left us milk and cookies for our arrival!

We used the Metro (subway) to get around Washington. Much easier than trying to drive around downtown in an unfamiliar city! Also, note: the stations smell distinctly of burnt rubber :p

The Washington Monument.Unfortunately, we didn't climb to the top, as we were a little more excited about seeing the museums.

The first airplane (!!!), built by the Wright brothers at the National Air and Space Museum. AWESOME.

My sister, the pilot. Also one of the dorkiest people I know.

The First Ladies Pool at the Botanic Gardens. I also took five billion several pictures of flowers while I was there, but I won't bore you. I'll paste the album link so you can peruse the prettyness if you so wish :)

A quick peek at the U.S. Capitol Building.

One ice cream bar later, at the National Museum of Natural History - look, it's two Doryfish (known as the regal tang or blue surgeonfish)! Also...

A Nemofish! Also known as a clownfish :)

To top off the day, we visited the famous Hope Diamond, in its temporary "Embracing Hope" setting.

Here's the album link, for anyone who wants to see more pictures :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Lovely Loves

Image from we♥it

Reading in the sun
For the most part, the weather here has been absolutely wonderful. Despite the odd rainstorm, I can usually go and sit out on the patio deck and read while sunning myself. It's lovely.

Giving swimming lessons
I started teaching this girl back in the first or second week of June. She may not yet be Michael Phelps in the water, but hey! At least she's happily motoring around with a pool noodle.

Image from Merlin's Keep

Okay, there is much potential for gush here. Also, potential UNSPECIFIC SPOILERS. Because Arthur starts off with being this ginormous bully, but then we see both he and Merlin getting stuck (time and again) between doing the right thing and the right thing. And then, of course, Merlin saves the day without using magic. Because it's banned. So, nope, no magic here! (I'm kidding, really.) Also, it's Arthurian legend. What's there not to like?

What have your summer highlights been so far?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Return to Civilization?

Coming back from university has been... Weird, to say the least. Between my massive flailing failure at finding a summer job and a wardrobe update to clothes that would actually be considered practical during the spring and summer, I realize I haven't actually spent that much time outside of my family.

Which is not to say that I've been a hermit this past month! When I have gone out with my old friends from home, I've felt awkward. Like I was struggling to remember jokes we once shared, or what we used to talk about. So for the most part, I've retreated to my family - Which really hasn't helped at all.

The worst part is that I feel like an intruder in my own family. It's been over a month, and I still feel like a guest in my own house. I'll sit in the living room, reading or playing a video game or listening to music, and my sister will start playing the piano (which is in the same room). When I ask her to stop or postpone her practice for half an hour so that I can get out of her was, she usually ignores me completely and pretends as if I don't exist until I start screaming at her and her parents tell me to stop interfering with her practice.

And the same thing happens when I'm using the computer. I've recently become fascinated by the BBC series "Merlin" - which I've been watching on the desktop simply because it has a bigger screen and everything looks much nicer. The problem is, when my sister comes home from school, she will demand use of the computer right this instant, regardless of if I am mid-way through an episode. And her parents believe that she is entitled to this! I believe that they have forgotten that I paid for half the price of the computer with my own money. In this light, I believe that my sister and I can compromise - I finish my episode, she can have the computer for the rest of the night. But nope, both the parents and my sister believe that my sister gets priority on the computer.

Actually, for the most part, the only time the parents really notice me is when my sister complains about something or when they need someone to drive/pickup/dropoff my sister or her friends. Anyone else notice a pattern here? My parents' focus has been shifted to my sister - which should be expected, as I've been gone for eight months, and for those eight months, my sister has essentially become an only child.

So, yeah. Most of the time, I just don't want to leave my room. Which is bad, because I really don't want to be a hermit. But when I leave my room, it seems as if the parents are on my back about everything from breathing too close to my sister. I just really, really wish I could see the new friends I made at university, but they're out of country right now, so no luck :(

Bah. I'll just end this by saying that I feel like I'm being oversensitive and reacting like a dramatic prima donna. But I don't know - how have you been re-integrating with your friends and family back home?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Just thought I'd share some pictures from my birthday yesterday :)

Delicious chocolate cake with a layer of custard filling. Yummmm :)

My disinterested younger sister and the balloon-themed birthday card of awesomeness :D

My slightly-more-interested younger sister (now that I'm opening her present).

Golden Sun (a game that I had eight years ago, never really finished, and then promptly lost), and a $20 gift card for the bookstore. Yaaaayyyy!!

What is it with my family choosing gift bags a million times bigger than the gift itself??? (This is my younger sister, who is actually taller than me. Just so you're aware of how big this bag really is)

A 1-terabyte external hard drive. So that the hard drive on my computer can actually be used for school. Not, you know, movies and such :D

--- v ---

So, now that I have $20 to spend on books, are there any books that you've read that have been particularly enjoyable?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Birthday Countdown!

So, in case you weren't aware, my birthday is in just over a week (June 3rd) and I'm really really really excited!

Well, not just for the fact that I will be the legal drinking age (I still think alcohol tastes nasty), but because I get to go out a celebrate with my family at any restaurant I choose (we don't eat out that often). We went out to a nice local steak restaurant for my dad's birthday last week, so I'm thinking... maybe Italian? Any suggestions?

The big thing on my wishlist this year is a iPod Touch. For the most part, I've decided that I dislike Apple products, simply because I dislike having to use iTunes to sync my iPod every time I want to add new music/take off songs I don't want to listen to anymore. I like the simplicity of the old drag-n'-drop of the old MP3 players. However, it seems that Apple has taken over most of the music player market, and so if I want to upgrade from my old MP3 player (which I've had since elementary school), I'll have to get an iPod. And if I'm asking for an iPod, I may as well ask for the iPod Touch, right? :D

At any rate, the big thing for me is spending time with my family. I've been helping my parents with their landscaping project this year, and I would love love love to see my cousins again soon and have an all-night PS3 party. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this will be happening any time soon :(

What's on your wishlist?