Thursday, August 11, 2011

Washington [Day 1]

Arrival at the lovely Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. And look, they even left us milk and cookies for our arrival!

We used the Metro (subway) to get around Washington. Much easier than trying to drive around downtown in an unfamiliar city! Also, note: the stations smell distinctly of burnt rubber :p

The Washington Monument.Unfortunately, we didn't climb to the top, as we were a little more excited about seeing the museums.

The first airplane (!!!), built by the Wright brothers at the National Air and Space Museum. AWESOME.

My sister, the pilot. Also one of the dorkiest people I know.

The First Ladies Pool at the Botanic Gardens. I also took five billion several pictures of flowers while I was there, but I won't bore you. I'll paste the album link so you can peruse the prettyness if you so wish :)

A quick peek at the U.S. Capitol Building.

One ice cream bar later, at the National Museum of Natural History - look, it's two Doryfish (known as the regal tang or blue surgeonfish)! Also...

A Nemofish! Also known as a clownfish :)

To top off the day, we visited the famous Hope Diamond, in its temporary "Embracing Hope" setting.

Here's the album link, for anyone who wants to see more pictures :)

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