Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Birthday Countdown!

So, in case you weren't aware, my birthday is in just over a week (June 3rd) and I'm really really really excited!

Well, not just for the fact that I will be the legal drinking age (I still think alcohol tastes nasty), but because I get to go out a celebrate with my family at any restaurant I choose (we don't eat out that often). We went out to a nice local steak restaurant for my dad's birthday last week, so I'm thinking... maybe Italian? Any suggestions?

The big thing on my wishlist this year is a iPod Touch. For the most part, I've decided that I dislike Apple products, simply because I dislike having to use iTunes to sync my iPod every time I want to add new music/take off songs I don't want to listen to anymore. I like the simplicity of the old drag-n'-drop of the old MP3 players. However, it seems that Apple has taken over most of the music player market, and so if I want to upgrade from my old MP3 player (which I've had since elementary school), I'll have to get an iPod. And if I'm asking for an iPod, I may as well ask for the iPod Touch, right? :D

At any rate, the big thing for me is spending time with my family. I've been helping my parents with their landscaping project this year, and I would love love love to see my cousins again soon and have an all-night PS3 party. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this will be happening any time soon :(

What's on your wishlist?

Friday, May 6, 2011

WIND Mobile, ridiculous phone companies, etc.

This past November, I was a lucky winner of a new BlackBerry Bold 9700 from WIND Mobile. I loved my BlackBerry, especially the Festive Cheer plan I had with WIND - which gave me unlimited province-wide calling and unlimited texting for only $25 a month. Sweet deal, right? Well it was, until my BlackBerry broke around March this year.

It's not as if I dropped it and it's completely busted and the screen's cracked, etc. The only thing that's wrong with is is that the trackpad seems to be stuck down for some reason. So, essentially, without the trackpad, the entire phone is useless. I can't navigate the menu, it keeps on randomly selecting things, and it's really, really difficult to make a call or even send a text.

At any rate, a few days after I noticed that the trackpad was wonked, I went  up to the WIND store where I won my BlackBerry, and asked if there was anything that could be done. I relayed to the salesperson the entire story: I won this phone from this store, and now the trackpad seems to be malfunctioning. I was told to return on a later date to speak with the manager.

Not to be deterred, I returned to the WIND store approximately a week later and spoke with the manager. Once again, I told her what had happened: I won this phone from this store, and now the trackpad seems to be malfunctioning. I was put on the waiting list for a new phone, and was told that I would be called when they got a BlackBerry in stock.

A month later (or earlier this week), I called the WIND store and asked if they had my phone in stock. And, luckily, they did! So today, I went up to the store with everything packaged up, ready to receive a new, working BlackBerry - which would make me very, very happy. However, when I got there, I was told that since I won the phone, there was no warranty on it. Therefore, I was not eligible for an exchange.

I'm very, exceedingly, disappointed in WIND Mobile right now. I was led to believe - the whole entire time -  that my phone could be exchanged for a new one. However, it took me three trips - the last which included 3+ hours of travel time - for them to tell me I had no warranty. I've told each person I've spoken to that I won this phone in their contest, but not once was I told that my phone had no warranty on it. I was put on the waiting list for exchange for goodness's sake, and it was not until I came in, ready to exchange my phone was I told that actually, I can't exchange my phone for a new one.

I would have been nice if I was told this the first time I went into the store, instead of the third.

Scratch nice - it would have made things so much easier for everyone involved, as well as saved so much of my time from those utterly ridiculous run-arounds.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Week in Review: Coming home, relaxation, and video games!

Well hello there! It's been a while since I've posted anything, hasn't it? And, really, that's due to a lot of things. Mostly because I've finally come home from school. While my school isn't so far away that's it's impossible for me to get home, it was still quite a hassle to get home just for the weekend. At any rate, I'm finally home, and I'm luxuriating in the the fact that (for once) I have absolutely nothing to do. Which is usually a bad thing for me - if I have nothing to do, I get antsy and start making trouble just for something to do (think "mad scientist in the kitchen with no adult supervision" levels of trouble). But this time, I filled up my time with all those things I wanted to do while I was in school but couldn't: reading (The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin), doodling (badly, on my sister's graphics tablet), baking (brownies and cookies and cakes - yum!), and most of all, hijacking my sister's PSP to play Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.

Birth by Sleep is actually the third (to my count) major game to be released in the Kingdom Hearts series, as well as a sort of prequel to the first two games. You see that pretty picture up at the top of this post? Notice any familiar characters? Like, for example... Cinderella? Snow White? Maleficent? Peter Pan & Tinkerbell? Stitch? Yep, it's Disney. Apparently, this series was though up when an employee from Square Enix met an employee from Disney in an elevator. I have no idea whether or not this is true, but any combination of Square Enix (who makes the best video games) and Disney (who owns my childhood) is bound to be awesome.

Anyways, besides wasting my time all day, I have been out a few times to look for some jobs, but no luck yet. Any tips for finding a summer job?