Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just A Little Change

So I've just added this neat little commenting widget from Disqus to replace the basic commenting system from Blogger. I'm pretty excited about it - there a bunch of neat features, like mobile comments and inline media embedding and threaded comments. So now you can actually see who's replied to what!

Anyways, give it a whirl and tell me what you think - especially if there's any bugs; I'll try and deal with those ASAP! (meaning, I hope I didn't mess up the installation :p )


  1. This is really neat, Karleen! I'm thinking I'm going to need to install it on my blog as well. ;)

    PS - You never said, what does your label "SRSBZNS" mean?! I'm DYING to know. I am so curious! LOL.

  2. Haha. I thought it was kinda neat - the feature I'm most excited about is the threaded comments. Wheee!

    And the "SRSBZNS" label isn't really anything interesting - it just means "serious business" in chatspeak. Or something. I'm a little bit of an internet nerd :p

  3. PPS - I just realized I forgot to subscribe to your blog! :( I'm so sorry! Hahaha. This is why I have not been commenting lately. :(

  4. Tsk tsk tsk! D:<

    Actually, do you have an RSS feed for your blog? I'm following you, but your posts aren't showing up in Google Reader... :(

  5. I LOVE the threaded comments feature! :D It makes things so much more clearer. Ahaha now it all makes sense! I can totally see it now that you've told me what it means. :P

  6. I don't know! :( How do I make one, do you know? I thought it would just magically happen I suppose...

  7. Try going to settings > site feed > set "allow blog feeds" to "full".

    I think. :s

  8. *Sigh* I have that set...I fiddled around a little bit and hopefully something worked? Let me know if it's fixed. Are you sure I'm in your feed?

  9. It works now! What did you change?
