Friday, July 1, 2011

Lovely Loves

Image from we♥it

Reading in the sun
For the most part, the weather here has been absolutely wonderful. Despite the odd rainstorm, I can usually go and sit out on the patio deck and read while sunning myself. It's lovely.

Giving swimming lessons
I started teaching this girl back in the first or second week of June. She may not yet be Michael Phelps in the water, but hey! At least she's happily motoring around with a pool noodle.

Image from Merlin's Keep

Okay, there is much potential for gush here. Also, potential UNSPECIFIC SPOILERS. Because Arthur starts off with being this ginormous bully, but then we see both he and Merlin getting stuck (time and again) between doing the right thing and the right thing. And then, of course, Merlin saves the day without using magic. Because it's banned. So, nope, no magic here! (I'm kidding, really.) Also, it's Arthurian legend. What's there not to like?

What have your summer highlights been so far?